Art World Statistics Every Artist Needs to Know
(In Topic #92)

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Pursuing a career as an artist, navigating the art world, and opting for alternative career strategies takes courage, persistence, but also knowledge if we aim to be successful. Empirical evidence from in-field experience and statistical evidence by crunching some art world numbers are required to understand the reality artists face. Therefore, throughout this article, we’ll discuss statistical truths every artist should know to understand the circumstances to pursue career growth.
The numbers result from various studies encompassing the yearly Art Market Report from UBS and Art Basel, the Artsy Collectors Report, the paper Quantifying Reputation and Success in Art, or the ArtFacts database mapping the art world. Dear artists, brace yourselves for the truth and nothing but the truth. At the end of the article, there is a silver lining, so no matter how hard it is to face reality, let’s face it together bravely and be hopeful and motivated for what the future might bring us.
Read more at: Art World Statistics Every Artist Needs to Know
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