It’s Not All in Your Head—the Art World Really Is Unfair. Here Are 9 Reasons Why
(In Topic #80)

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If you’re in the art world, you’re here for a reason. You believe artists have a unique perspective to offer the world; you find museums to be treasure troves of artifacts of the greatest of human efforts. But we all know that the art world doesn’t offer a level playing field. While it may think of itself as enlightened, the art industry tends to reproduce the same inequities that we see in any other field.
The wealthy and powerful run the show. Aspiring art collectors find themselves shut out of the market. Colonialism casts a long shadow, with artists from formerly colonized countries still underperforming their Western counterparts in market terms. Art schools charge astronomical tuition and don’t offer any practical teaching.
These are just some of the many reasons that the artists, dealers, gallery and fair directors, and art educators we surveyed said the art world was unfair. (To speak frankly, most of them asked to remain anonymous.) Below, we rounded up their answers.
Read more at: It’s Not All in Your Head—the Art World Really Is Unfair. Here Are 9 Reasons Why
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