The Art Gallery is Dead . . . Long Live the Art Gallery

The Art Gallery is Dead . . . Long Live the Art Gallery
Over the last several weeks, I’ve had several of you send me links to articles that decry the end of the gallery system. It seems like these articles come around every few years. Though each of the articles came at the question from different angles, the points can be summarized as:
- Art galleries are dead because now artists can access buyers directly on the internet.
- Art galleries are dead because they are too greedy and dishonest and aren’t treating artists well.
- Bricks and mortar art galleries are dead because the online sales of art are increasing.
I realize that all of these points are true, at least to a degree. One has only to survey the gallery market to see that many galleries that were thriving ten to fifteen years are no longer around. The poor economy from 2008-2011 certainly played a larger role in this, but it’s also clear that more and more art sales are shifting to the internet. It’s always hard to get any kind of well-documented industry figures, but I’ve seen Xanadu’s online sales grow significantly over the last ten years to a point where online sales make up about 15% of total revenue.
So is the demise of the traditional gallery model in the tea leaves? Looking at what’s happened in the music and publishing industry might lead one to believe so. It seems logical that the sale of artistic creations, whether it’s music, books, or artwork, can be done more efficiently and cost effectively online than in the bricks and mortar world. While many in the art industry (both artists and galleries) would argue that art is different, that you have to see it in person and touch it before you can make such a high value purchase, many art buyers disagree. I’m finding my clientele more and more willing to buy artwork sight-unseen. As we all become more and more comfortable with the internet as a medium for commerce, we’re willing to make higher value purchases.
Read more at: The Art Gallery is Dead . . . Long Live the Art Gallery
Last edit: by Dave