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Frustration (part 1)


Dave is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 31st March 2024, 8:06 pm
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Frustration (part 1)

The following was a blog post which appeared on my previous website, November 22, 2016… I am sharing it with you… but for me the big question is, have things changed?

Time is an unforgiving taskmaster, a check spent that may not return the investment you anticipated, a gamble that sucks out rather than pours in reward. So some find

Fred's Dog


Dave is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 27th March 2024, 2:04 pm
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Fred's Dog

About 4 years ago (2020) I suffered a stroke. It was a TIA resulting from a head trauma. It took a few weeks to recover. I am seriously fortunate to be fully recovered and functioning as good after the event than before.

A few weeks before this, I had begun a painting of a beautiful beast of a dog for my wife's brother, Fred. His dog is a Bernese Mountain Dog. It is an

You Might Never Know


Dave is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 24th March 2024, 1:37 pm
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You Might Never Know

Most every painting I've been involved with, at some point… goes through an ugly stage. Its that place where you are looking at the work, maybe hours have already passed, and that excitement, hope, vision and inertia that you started with, is waining.


What you see in front of you has moved out of that honeymoon stage where you were just a little while before…

Here's to Listening and Looking


Dave is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 26th February 2024, 7:44 pm
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Here's to Listening and Looking

One of the things I remember about my younger days… (and now we're talking half a century ago or more!) is how I loved music.

I still do, of course.

But back then as much as I loved the tunes, it was the lyrics that caught my attention. I mean when I talked to others about the lyrics, so many of them were lost in the music, the beat, the band, the