Frustration (part 2)
The following was the 2nd part of a blog post which appeared on my previous website, November 22, 2016… I am sharing it with you…~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As I was saying in part 1, when listing my artwork on eBay, I usually put a blurb in here about the painting I'm offering on eBay - but I'm just going to get a load off my mind and put that here instead.
So here I go…
"I painted this little gem tonight (November 9, 2016) and thought, oh great another painting for eBay! I should be excited but honestly I'm a little put off. People say they like my paintings but really I don't sell that many paintings, in fact I am the biggest collector of D L Friend paintings in the world - hands down! I love to paint and all - and would do it more but I don't need another painting and don't have storage space for as many as I want to paint.
"Really, I am wondering what other people think of my work? Are you looking for a bargain that is so cheap you you just cant pass it up? Someone offered me $15.00 for a $35.00 painting …SERIOUSLY? What an insult, I have dignity, in spite of this little rant. I have had special sales on occasion and sometimes that will sell a few paintings but really I don't sell any more on sale than I do at regular price. So who needs sales then? Whether you buy my paintings or not, I will probably paint more anyway just because I like doing it.
"I am just frustrated.
"Please don't get me wrong because there are some super terrific people I have met on eBay who have bought one or more paintings and I get so happy when that happens -Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone who has helped me by buying a painting. You are so appreciated! Really! I know I shouldn't be saying this here and this might turn some people off …OK I get that.
"But I am a real person, some even think of me as a nice person. I'm honest and create a beautiful and quality product. I'm not trying to rip you off by selling you junk. I want you to be as happy with the painting as I am in making it. You are buying my heart and soul and all the years invested in learning my craft as well as a beautiful piece of art that should last a long time.
"So now it is getting late and I am posting this new work hoping that it sells quickly and the money from this sale will help cover about half of my overdue electric bill. If you made it through all my comments, thank you for being patient and thank you for at least considering buying my original artwork and its value, both to you and also to me.

[So then, the following was added, like it was a post script written to other artists rather than to potential consumers.]
"I can't really say that anything has changed. The painting is still for sale and on eBay. The electric bill is still months overdue but by God's grace is still on. I am in tears as I write this …there may be thousands of artists who also feel this way …and I can vicariously feel your pain and frustration too. I know, my words don't really change our situation but I hope you other artists don't give up.
"I haven't given up. That doesn't mean I will necessarily be selling any more paintings than usual. I think it only means I will still be painting another one. I already have too many on the easel now that are not finished …yet …you know - half done, pretty close or almost 'there'. And I've started to acquire this taste for painting bigger pieces so I'm preparing another 36"x48" canvas to be the recipient of a lot of attention and time - but where to put it when I'm done …well?. I know some will like it when it is finished …but will it become a part of my permanent collection or not? I guess, only time will tell and I do remember there is a spot high in the stairwell if all else fails!
"Well I hadn't intended on baring my soul quite like this here but there it is. Thanks for listening and caring."
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