My Artistic Journey (part 2)

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My Artistic Journey
(Part 2)

(continued from part 1)

Last time I introduced you to this series of blog posts on why I am (and have been) pursuing this artistic path. I hope to give you this artists narrative… for what its worth.

I have mentioned my search to discover something about famous artists and their art. I wanted to know not only, who they were (both artists and individuals), but also, why they did what they did, how art played a part in their lives, and if this knowledge really mattered to me (or you)?

Green Screen

The one thing that stood out like a blinking, broken, flash-fluttering neon window sign, was the oddity of their life styles. I'm sure you can form your own visual image of some of their famous idiosyncrasies or maybe not but…

I was wondering if I could become weird enough to be reconized as a *real* artist… and would artistic success would be judged by the catch-i-ness of some flamboyant, made up image?

Do I need to create some artistic persona? Maybe wear a beret while publicly walking an anteater on a leash? Do I need to cut off an ear? Develop an accent? Walk like an Egyptian? What is expected of me as an artist?

Thinking of it now, I do have a notable beard… is that enough?

I was worried. Really worried. I just wanted to paint and if I was able, sell a few paintings along the way. Painting is challenging enough for me without tying me down to act out some phony artist impersonation act too.

These thoughts hung over me. At that time, I had no idea what the "Art World" was. Not knowing if you had to "buy in" somehow, for an admission ticket, to begin my climb to the top? Or perhaps you just paint and wait to be suddenly discovered by an insider and take the fast ride on an elevator?

Was skill developed or percieved talent enough to "make it"? …and how about personality? I'm not a party person. Not a social butterfly. I like quiet moments rather than the noisy chaotic people filled spaces.

As I said before… I just want to paint and without imposed restrictions. Those rebellious individuals called artists, you know who they are, Isn't that how they did it?

I can identify with what van Gogh said, "…my brush goes between my fingers as if it were a bow on the violin and absolutely for my pleasure." I can also say that my artistic expression feels just like that. It is a very personal experience.

So I eventually said, Whatever… I am who I am, so I'll just jump into it and paint, and paint I did.

My goal had been to get ready for retirement, learn to become a more professional artist, and hopefully in 10 years or so have an name that was reconizable as an artist. Beyond that, I dreamed that with all that, some degree of money would accompany "success".

Well, don't we make plans? Plans. Plans. Plans! Well as they say… "Things don't always work out as planned." In 2007/2008 the recession happened and it was the most severe worldwide economic crisis since the 1928/1929 crash and here it was, imposing it's dark cold shadow on the world.

…but I'd be ok, since I had a really good job. I'd be alright… wouldn't I?  (To be continued… Part 3)


