Now and Later

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Now and Later

I haven't painted a single thing in eight weeks. I have a studio but nothing going on in there. Why?

Sometimes life just gets in the way.

Several months ago my grown children moved out of my home. One bought a home and the other got a job a couple of states away. These surprize events left space in our home available for other uses. One became my next studio, while the other will become my wife's long awaited sewing room space.

One Eyed mixed up mess

So what keeps me from using my studio? A complicated story indeed.

While the space that became my studio required some remodeling, the place that I am now getting prepared for my wife's sewing activities, needed much more work in it before I could even think about starting to remodel it. That pre remodeling work is where I've been putting my efforts for the last 2 months.

You know, some things just need to get done before other things can be started… or before things can go back to "normal."

Here, at this time, it is full on winter. Ice and snow outside, temperatures near and below freezing. The delight of children but the bane of grown ups everywhere. Don't get me wrong, I love winter but I enjoy it from the inside looking out, more than out actually in it.

I think I'm more the astronomer and not the astronaut type.

My foray into the real outside world, has shown me people, beyond number, slip-sliding their way up and down the roads and walkways. Too many times it's in the down direction! I recently joined them. I became one of those poor, cold, souls. I report my two close encounters of the icy concrete kind.

Man down… oops, man down again!

Down, but not out. Minimally bruised butt and strained right wrist and elbow. Strained and sore.

Thoughts I'm having now, make me wonder how this will affect the remodeling project? Undoubtedly delays. Including the return to activity in my studio.

Some healing will come first I'm sure, then back to remodeling. Then finally… actual work back in the studio.


