The Logo of Culture
"Culture is the name for what people are interested in, their thoughts, their models, the books they read and the speeches they hear, their table-talk, gossip, controversies, historical sense and scientific training, the values they appreciate, the quality of life they admire. All communities have a culture. It is the climate of their civilization." –' Walter Lippmann.
I have often said that 'art is the logo of culture.'
But then, are the artists so wise? Do they see where we have been, where we are, and where we are going? As Simon and Garfunkle might have asked the musical question… are the words of the prophets really written on the subway walls and tenement halls? Do we find ourselves bowing to the self made images of the neon gods we've made?
Artists might very well question themselves, if they are somehow wiser than others? Why would I say that?
Well, why do rich and powerful men bow before the artist's work and pay millions of dollars (not mine of course) to possess them? Is the "Artist" some great messenger to mankind? Why are their artistic treasures so valued (or so hated by others)?
Where is reality, purpose and meaning in what is done by the artist? Are we tracing out the images we perceive in a form for others to more easily see and experience what we have thought and known?
Or is there anything known to the Artist that really needs to be known?
Do we clarify or mystify what was, is and is to come? Do we then just make the mystery more mysterious as was said by Francis Bacon? Which, in my mind, might as well be interpreted as, our job is to muddy up the waters even more than it is!
I have often heard that art doesn’t have to be useful, infact many rollick in the idea that art is purposeless and has no utility. It is beautiful to some and ugly to the other and often controversial to both.
Whoever Artist's are or whatever they are supposed to be, artists continue to speak through art. Such a language of mystery. A babbling brook, roaring river, or peaceful sea.
From whispers to shouts, fool's mumbles to madman's screams. Godly wisdom to a cry of the prophet.
What do you perceive as the Artists role in society? Is Art a road sign, calling out along the Highway, as the vehicles of culture race by?
Is Art the Logo of Culture?
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