Invisible Art


#20 (In Topic #16)
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(The Guardian-news article) The gallery hoax that shows how much we hate the rich

Invisible art: the gallery hoax that shows how much we hate the rich

A lot of people have fallen for a fake news report about ‘invisible art’. Collectors, claimed Canada’s CBC, are paying through the nose for the art of 27-year-old Lana Newstrom even though you cannot see any of it.

“Art is about imagination and that is what my work demands of the people interacting with it. You have to imagine a painting or sculpture is in front of you”, the artist supposedly said.

Read the rest of the article:  Invisible art: the gallery hoax that shows how much we hate the rich

For a follow up to this please read:  Selling Invisible Art Is Fraud | Opinion

Last edit: by Dave

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