Inspiration: To Be or...?

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Inspiration: To Be or…?

How do you find inspiration? Where does that come from? Is Inspiration needed to create art?

Personally, I've found that 'inspiration', what ever that is, comes after I have begun to work. Rarely is it the reason I begin. In this, I remember the Picasso statement, "I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else." To me that seems closer to the reality I know.

The blank canvas isn’t an intimidation, its an invitation. Fear of making marks that aren't right can only inhibit creativity. From an early time in my exploration of art, through abstract forms, has come the realization I have permission to make mistakes. In fact, mistakes are often the springboard to new ways or ideas to express imagination.

A mark on the canvas or wall is the beginning of a conversation… sort of like saying hello, how are you? The response to your mark may not be so glorious at first, and it might not even be so much as a grunt… but if you have paint and a tool to apply it, then its up to you to keep the conversation going. I've found it usually takes a few marks to spark the engagement into what many call, 'inspiration'.

And that's when switch seems to flip on for me. Some use music to get in the 'zone'. Ive used music but its not essential.


There were times I had music going, and I'm working away… working,working, working… and all of a sudden I'm asking myself "when did the music stop?". Time has passed and the painting is being completed, but it is as quiet as in the middle of the night!

For me, I just need to commit time to the studio, get out some paint and start working on something. The key is to start to work…


